Thursday, May 26, 2011

The isles, THE ISLES!

A wonderful place.
Lack of quality guaranteed.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Price of History

This world sucks. But who is to blame? Politicians? Economy? Terrorists? The media? I don't give a flying fuck. We are slaves. Slaves of history. Slaves of our own countries. Slaves of eachother and more importantly; slaves of ourselves. Just like in Plato's cavern. There's no such thing as "freedom", for it is just another form of slavery. And as a slave, I don't have the right to know what's going on out there. And I can do nothing but wonder.
So, i must ask, is it real the world that is being showed everyday on TV, newspapers...  etc? How do we know they're not mere tools of the governments to brainwash the general public? Or should i say, how do we know the media itself is not being manipulated by the government to enconver, let's say it this way, morally incorrect forms of politics? For example, what if 11-S was actually planned by the own US? Or what if the Holocaust was just a massive hoax? What about Fukushima, why couldn't it be a conspiracy too? How do we know for sure these thing are just as simple as they seem at first glance? Could history be just a massive business? The Rulers of History, let's call them The System, could have very good reasons to distort our view of reality to emphasize their greatness and fairness and reassure their role as the "good guys", while the "bad guys", paradigms of evil, deserve to be vanquished by the might of justice; Two completely opposite sides. And the question is unavoidable. why does always the "good guys" have to win? Or is it that winning makes you a "good guy"? Maybe The System are the "good guys". Or both the "good" and "bad guys". Or the "bad guys" disguised as "good guys". Or it's just me being paranoid.
I won't believe anything. I can't. And my questions will probably remain unanswered for the sake of today's world order. I personally know very little about politics, but I just realized that we know very little or nothing about how the world actually works.

Maybe The System is actually neccesary to prevent ourselves from our own destruction. After all, the human being proved uncountable times to be so retarded...

"We're not tools of the government or anyone else. Fighting was the only thing I was good at, but at least I always fought for what I believed in." - Gray Fox's last words, Metal Gear Solid (PSX).


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cuando me quedo sin boli...

Yes, i'm a bit into Rap. Musically speaking worthless bunch of rhyming words. But if you listen, you'll find out what the hell is so special and addictive about it. It's like some sort of supreme form of expression. Modern poetry. Some serious shit is going on underneath those sick beats and crude voices. No retarded faggy crap about "Hey baby let's (fuck) dance" like most of nowadays commercial music, no sir, these are words coming from the soul itself. It really hits the spot and never leaves you indifferent.

These are some MCs i often listen: Nach Scratch, Zenit, El Chojin, Tote King, SFDK... Now i'm listening to "Hablando en Plata Squad". It's kind of old (late 90s?) but hey, these guys know how to rap. Obscure and extremely violent lyrics with andalusian accent, they're often compared to the "thriller" genre in Hip-Hop. Here's one of the songs of the album.

Cuando me quedo sin boli:




Allow me to introduce myself. I will keep my real identity hidden, but you may refer to me as SleipniR. I can provide you some information about me, though:

Sex: Male
D.O.B.: 15/5/1990
Nationality: Spanish
Current location: Granada, SPAIN
Occupation: College student (Chemical engineering)
Hobbies: Music, videogames, dangerous things.

Well, that oughta do the trick. Let's make an explanation of what can you, my dear visitor, expect from this humble blog:

-First of all, I may write about certain parts of my daily life.
-Second, I would want to expose my opinions/doubts/reviews about different issues (Technology, motor, sports, internet... politics lol). To put it in a nutshell, i want this blog to be digital testimonium of my life.
-Third, I may write random stuff. Fo' sure bro.

OK, that's enough. I encourage you, my guest, to read and participate in this, my little corner in this massively enormous place we call INTERNET.

P.D.: Most of the content will be redacted in english, for the sole purpose of improving my level. Please, understand and report me the more-than-possible mistakes I will make. I appreciate your collaboration.