Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Allow me to introduce myself. I will keep my real identity hidden, but you may refer to me as SleipniR. I can provide you some information about me, though:

Sex: Male
D.O.B.: 15/5/1990
Nationality: Spanish
Current location: Granada, SPAIN
Occupation: College student (Chemical engineering)
Hobbies: Music, videogames, dangerous things.

Well, that oughta do the trick. Let's make an explanation of what can you, my dear visitor, expect from this humble blog:

-First of all, I may write about certain parts of my daily life.
-Second, I would want to expose my opinions/doubts/reviews about different issues (Technology, motor, sports, internet... politics lol). To put it in a nutshell, i want this blog to be digital testimonium of my life.
-Third, I may write random stuff. Fo' sure bro.

OK, that's enough. I encourage you, my guest, to read and participate in this, my little corner in this massively enormous place we call INTERNET.

P.D.: Most of the content will be redacted in english, for the sole purpose of improving my level. Please, understand and report me the more-than-possible mistakes I will make. I appreciate your collaboration.

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