Tuesday, August 16, 2011

We are nothing

Years back, people in Europe used to think the Earth was flat. It wasn't until XV century with Christopher Columbus' discovery of America when realised they were wrong. Also, they used to think the Sun revolved around the Earth and to be the center of the Universe. But in the XVI century, some dude called Nicholas Copernico refused to think that way. And this other dude, Galileo Galilei was almost killed for it for supporting it (with some corrections)! It wasn't until the XVIII century when this chap called Isaac Newton developed the idea of Gravity, one of the most basic principles of modern Physics. And it wasn't until this other man by the name of Charles Darwin in the XIX century proposed a revolutionary concept of the origin and evolution of life. Those and a shitload of important discoveries were made in the last five centuries.

We, as a race, have surpassed our limits so many times, reaching the unthinkable, making possible the impossible. Now, we can travel faster, we can fly higher, we can cure a lot of things more than we have ever imagined just one century back. We can communicate with people within thousands of miles away, we can see far away places without even moving from the coach of our dining room. We have stepped on the Moon! The goddamn MOON! OMG, We are officially THE SHIT!

... Well, not exactly. All these discoveries and achievements only makes me think about how many other thing we have yet to discover. But people just seems to be all relaxed thinking "how much better it can get from now on". No, damn it, NO. We DO NOT know everything, that's IMPOSSIBLE. We are practically as dumb as we were thousands of years ago, we have just inherited all sort of cool things from our ancestors after years and years of hard work and intense research. So don't be like "HURR DURR I ARE HUMAN I BE GOD AMONGST SHIT APES AND RATS" yet.

As a general rule, we tend to keep with the positive things and reject the negative things. That doesn't mean everything we know as true and good is not false, not enough efficient or harmful. Just look a few years back. WWI. WWII. The Cold War. Vietnam. Irak. 9/11. Lybia, Syria, Egypt... After this example, do you still think we're better than before? Not much, I would dare to say. And  forgot to mention all the problems we are still having nowadays. Check out our current political, economical system, for example. Untrustworthy governments, corrupt political parties, dishonest politicians everywhere. Financial and social breakdowns. Not good enough, don't you think?

OK, so what's the point about all of this? Well, I personally think people don't fully comprehend the importance of History. They just confortably sit there in their full-equiped-with-current-water-electricity-central-heating-air-conditioner-furniture-internet houses thinking they're superior enough to actually BELIEVE they're right at almost everything, whatever it is. No, damn it again. It's not even close to be right, open your eyes already. There's still a hell of a lot more things to change.

Protips: Don't get attached to "what other people thinks". Avoid our ancestors' mistakes. Look for new posibilities. And remember, without our past, without History, we are nothing.


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