Lately, I'm having trouble trying to manage my anger. I get pissed off easily. Moreover, I'm so pissed off right now. I'm even a bit concerned about my mental wellness... shit, sometimes I think I may go nuts. The tiniest thing makes my blood boil. Around my friends, I sound even more cynical and sarcastic than usual. I argue with them sometimes, because I think they secretly laugh at me. I don't like talking to my parents and when I do, I tend to speak louder than necessary. I feel anxious and I often enjoy taking long walks, sprinting very very fast or, if I have the chance, hitting stuff. I often find myself fantasizing about picking fights with people... I stopped caring about others, hell I've just noticed how many times I wrote the word "I". Seriously, I don't know WTF is wrong with me...
I'd like to think this is all HER fault... but I'm afraid it's not. Something has awaken inside of me... and I'm a bit scared of it. Maybe I'm not the good guy I always thought I was.
... then you are a criminal scum. ... then I am a glorious winged faggot. ... then you are a pedobear. ... then fuck you. ... then I am 12 years old, and what is this? ... then underage b&.
I'm always the good guy. The one who's always there for you. The one who listens to your problems and your worries. The one that tries its best to help you. Who always avoids upsetting and confronting you. Who will do anything you want for you... Like a fucking DOG. Don't know why but... this is how I am. No matter how hard I try, I'm always scared. Of what? Confronting people, being hurt... Why am I so scared?
But not today. Today is my day. Just for me. Now, it's time for you to be my dog.
Hey. I just need to get this off my chest (although I know no one will read this anyway...)
It's been like, half a year since my last post. Sorry about that. I was talking about going to see her (now my ex, let's call her A). Didn't go as I expected. Then, I dated another girl (B). And 2 months later, we broke up and dated another girl (C). One month later, we broke up again, but I was seeing another girl (D). D is different from A, B and C, since D lives relatively close to me and can see her on a daily basis (A, B and C were online dates). Nevertheless, I'm not dating D, we're just friends... with certain "privileges".
This is the problem. D has a crush on me now, but I see things in a very different way. You see, I've been with three other girls now, but... I just can't forget A. I can't. I hate her so much. Every time I see her name, it makes me rage. But... I still daydream about being with her again. I secretly wish for her to talk to me, to tell me how much she missed me, to hear those words again from her... I still cry at night sometimes thinking about her. Anyway, let's just say that I still like her a bit, after all. I thought I already got over this, but I was wrong...
I'm worried about D, because she was very excited with the idea of us being together. But I just can't cope with this anymore. I don't want to hurt her. But I must do it... before I hurt her even more.
... I wish I could meet someone who makes me forget A for good. Someone who makes me capable of loving once more.
Rocío is the name of my first love, when I was in 3rd grade, LOL.