Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Los hermanos Pinzones eran unos mari... neros

Que se fueron con Colón que era otro mari... nero
Conquistaron Camboya con la punta de la... espada
Y unos indios motilones les cortaron los... caminos
Y al valiente Pedro Angulo le quisieron dar por... muerto

I'm scared.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Taking a step ahead

Just 5 more days and I'll have her between my arms... I can't wait! She's all i could ever wish for... and i'm going to meet her! 


Monday, September 12, 2011


You know, a few entries before this one i was talking about how my perspective of life and reality was changing dramatically. About how couldn't I understand people and how much "progress" i was making in that aspect. Well,  I'm totally screwed up at this point. Because I had the pleasure (or misfortune) of meeting love. LOVE! Me, who never EVER IN MY LIFE remotely imagined the mere idea of considering the tiniest posibility of being able to feel something for anyone else! It kind of embarasses me writing these words... but it's true. I can't deny it. Now, everything I believed, I knew or thought as true has just crumbled into pieces. I have to change it all. Now, everything doesn't revolve around me anymore. Now, SHE became the most precious and valuable person in my life. The most kind, sensitive, lovely, beautiful, cute, reliable, strong and amazing person in the world. See? Those words... which even in my craziest dreams or fantasies I couldn't possibly think I would say some day. I'm changing, and I'm kinda scared about it...


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

We are nothing

Years back, people in Europe used to think the Earth was flat. It wasn't until XV century with Christopher Columbus' discovery of America when realised they were wrong. Also, they used to think the Sun revolved around the Earth and to be the center of the Universe. But in the XVI century, some dude called Nicholas Copernico refused to think that way. And this other dude, Galileo Galilei was almost killed for it for supporting it (with some corrections)! It wasn't until the XVIII century when this chap called Isaac Newton developed the idea of Gravity, one of the most basic principles of modern Physics. And it wasn't until this other man by the name of Charles Darwin in the XIX century proposed a revolutionary concept of the origin and evolution of life. Those and a shitload of important discoveries were made in the last five centuries.

We, as a race, have surpassed our limits so many times, reaching the unthinkable, making possible the impossible. Now, we can travel faster, we can fly higher, we can cure a lot of things more than we have ever imagined just one century back. We can communicate with people within thousands of miles away, we can see far away places without even moving from the coach of our dining room. We have stepped on the Moon! The goddamn MOON! OMG, We are officially THE SHIT!

... Well, not exactly. All these discoveries and achievements only makes me think about how many other thing we have yet to discover. But people just seems to be all relaxed thinking "how much better it can get from now on". No, damn it, NO. We DO NOT know everything, that's IMPOSSIBLE. We are practically as dumb as we were thousands of years ago, we have just inherited all sort of cool things from our ancestors after years and years of hard work and intense research. So don't be like "HURR DURR I ARE HUMAN I BE GOD AMONGST SHIT APES AND RATS" yet.

As a general rule, we tend to keep with the positive things and reject the negative things. That doesn't mean everything we know as true and good is not false, not enough efficient or harmful. Just look a few years back. WWI. WWII. The Cold War. Vietnam. Irak. 9/11. Lybia, Syria, Egypt... After this example, do you still think we're better than before? Not much, I would dare to say. And  forgot to mention all the problems we are still having nowadays. Check out our current political, economical system, for example. Untrustworthy governments, corrupt political parties, dishonest politicians everywhere. Financial and social breakdowns. Not good enough, don't you think?

OK, so what's the point about all of this? Well, I personally think people don't fully comprehend the importance of History. They just confortably sit there in their full-equiped-with-current-water-electricity-central-heating-air-conditioner-furniture-internet houses thinking they're superior enough to actually BELIEVE they're right at almost everything, whatever it is. No, damn it again. It's not even close to be right, open your eyes already. There's still a hell of a lot more things to change.

Protips: Don't get attached to "what other people thinks". Avoid our ancestors' mistakes. Look for new posibilities. And remember, without our past, without History, we are nothing.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

30 days, 30 songs

Here's my shitty list.

Día 01 - Tu canción favorita. : DBZ, Ummei no Hi
Día 02 - Tu canción menos favorita.(De tus favoritas la menos favorita). : Command & Conquer Red Alert 3, Soviet Combat
Día 03 - Una canción que te haga feliz. : Tetris, Theme A
Día 04 - Una canción que te ponga triste. : Elfen Lied, Lilium
Día 05 - Una canción que te recuerde a alguien. : Ayumi Nakamura, Tsubasa no Oreta Angel
Día 06 - Una canción que te recuerde algún lugar. : Toryanse
Día 07 - Una canción que te recuerde un evento en especifico. : Himno de la Champions League
Día 08 - Una canción de la que te sepas toda la letra. Opening Digimon (1º temp.), Butterfly
Día 09 - Una canción que bailarias. Streets of Rage, Stage 1
Día 10 - Una canción que te haga dormir. Rammstein, Engel
Día 11 - Una canción de tu banda favorita. : Hablando en Plata Squad, Donde te metiste
Día 12 - Una canción de la banda que odies. : Dover, Serenade
Día 13 - Una canción que sea un gusto culposo. : MLP, Winter Wrap Up
Día 14 - Una canción que nadie espere que te gustara. : Powerpuff Girls, Ending
Día 15 - Una canción que te describa. Black Sabbath, Iron Man
Día 16 - Una canción que llegaste a amar, pero ahora odias. Ghostbusters Opening
Día 17 - Una canción que escuches seguido en la radio. Black Eyed Peas, I gotta feeling
Día 18 - Una canción que desees que se escuche en la radio. Steppenwolf, Born to be Wild
Día 19 - Una canción de tu álbum favorito. Ace Combat V: The Belkan War (Original Soundtrack): ZERO
Día 21 - Una canción que escuches cuando estas feliz. Break Machine, Street dance
Día 22 - Una canción que escuches cuando estas triste. Isaac Albéniz, Suite española "Asturias"
Día 23 - Una canción que te gustaría bailar en tu boda. : Fly me to the Moon, Frank Sinatra
Día 24 - Una canción que quieras que suene en tu funeral. : Allegri, Miserere mei, Deus
Día 25 - Una canción que te haga reir. Manolo Escobar, El Porrompompero
Día 26 - Una canción que sepas tocar. : W.A. Mozart, Rondo alla turca
Día 27 - Una canción que te gustaria poder tocar. : L.v. Beethoven, Sonata para piano nº14 "Claro de luna" mvt.3
Día 28 - Una canción que te haga sentir culpable. : El Chojin, El Jardín de la Alegría
Día 29 - Una canción de tu infancia. : Greensleeves
Día 30 - Tu canción favorita del ultimo año. Inna, Deja Vu (Feat. Bob Taylor)


Sunday, July 24, 2011



Innumerables son las cuestiones que el ser humano puede llegar a plantearse durante su existencia, mas difusas y exiguas son las respuestas que hallan. Cavilan, discurren, meditan día y noche sin descanso en un esfuerzo por comprender cuál es el cometido de su ser. Alentados por la soberbia que sus logros superfluos les infunden intentan usurpar el trono de los dioses, ignorando por absoluto que son incapaces de aspirar a vislumbrar siquiera un atisbo de lo que ellos llaman conocimiento. Inmersos en sus cábalas creen que llegarán, tarde o temprano, a ser bendecidos con el don supremo del saber mediante falsas promesas de doctrinas vanas y religiones intrascendentes a las que no pocos se entregan casi dogmáticamente. Y en verdad resulta irónico que sus sagradas creencias no constituyan más que un herético culto promovido por el desconocimiento y el miedo.
De entre tantos e incontables dilemas no hay ninguno que inspire tanto desconcierto, respeto, culto, pavor como la transición entre el ser y no ser. Este fantasma ubicuo acecha en la mente de todo humano, atormentando su existencia, alimentándose de su espíritu; porque son conscientes de que algún día no despertarán y quedarán a la merced del olvido eterno, y son sabedores de que la muerte que sobrevuela parsimoniosamente sobre sus cabezas terminará por caer sobre ellos con todo su peso de manera implacable. No lo soportan, comprenden que expiran a la vez que son engendrados; eso que llaman "vida" no es más que un juego grotesco, ideado quizás por un ente superior como diversión particular, un breve paréntesis dentro de la monótona infinitud de la no existencia. Y saben de la finitud de sus vidas, se sienten vulnerables, y luchan, mediante la cotidianidad de sus vidas personales, por acallar esa voz ahogada que les recuerda lo efímeros que son; Éste es el precio de su osadía, ¡Justa condena sentenció el Divino Veredicto! Una amenaza latente les vigila en silencio desde lo alto, oscureciendo un resquicio de sus corazones con una larga y fina sombra delatora que les recuerda su destino final mientras los segundos de sus relojes se tornan minutos, y éstos horas, y días, y meses... ¡Quién imaginaría que semejante espada de Damocles pudiera llegar a ser eclipsada hasta el punto de anhelar el propio fin! Y es que el ser humano es un ser débil, que se doblega ante la más liviana de las adversidades ¡Pobres criaturas cegadas por su ignorancia! ¡Ni siquiera se aferran a esa ridícula "esperanza" tan suya! Quizá hagan bien, porque aunque se nieguen a renunciar a su minúsculo recoveco en este mundo de profanos, entenderán que al igual que ellos, aquello que ven, escuchan y sienten volverá a ser cero absoluto, acabará siendo devorado por los demonios del fin de los tiempos y todo quedará inmerso en la nada de manera inexorable y definitiva.

Porque el universo está irremediablemente ligado al paso del tiempo que equivocadamente creen ilimitado.

- Manuscrito hallado en el ataúd de un individuo sin nombre en un lugar desconocido -


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Nevermind that last post.

Good, now i got sunburnt. How splendid. Marvellous. Magnificent. Fabulous. You don't care? Me neither. I'm gonna dump random funny pics from "that place". And remember, you raff, you ruse.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Feels good man.

Things are starting to rule lately. I've been making a lot of progress and i feel more confident than ever. I'm optimist about the future, and i know i can overcome whatever gets on my way. This summer rocks, and i don't know why. Could "IT" have something to do? Nevermind, I'll enjoy while i can.

Also, you nostalgia, you fucking WIN.

Adam rules! Hooreya!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Antonio 'Pretto rosso' Vivaldi

They say thinking about cold things is a good way to endure excessively hot environments. So, check this out. Winter.

Happy summer.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Romance del Emplazado.

¡Mi soledad sin descanso!
Ojos chicos de mi cuerpo
y grandes de mi caballo,
no se cierran por la noche
ni miran al otro lado,
donde se aleja tranquilo
un sueño de trece barcos
sino que, limpios y duros,
escuderos desvelados,
mis ojos miran un norte
de metales y peñascos
donde mi cuerpo sin venas
consulta naipes helados.

Los densos bueyes del agua
embisten a los muchachos
que se bañan en las lunas
de sus cuernos ondulados,
y los martillos cantaban
sobre los yunques sonámbulos.
Y el insomnio del jinete.
Y el insomnio del caballo.

Un veinticinco de junio
le dijeron al Amargo:
"Ya puedes cortar su gustas
las adelfas de tu patio.
Pinta una cruz en la puerta
y pon tu nombre debajo,
porque cicutas y ortigas
nacerán en tu costado,
y agujas de cal mojadas
te morderán los zapatos.
Será de noche, en lo oscuro,
por los montes imantados
donde los bueyes del agua
beben los juncos soñando.
Pide luces y campanas,
aprende a cruzar las manos
y gusta los aires fríos
de metales y peñascos
porque dentro de dos meses
yacerás amortajado."

Espadón de nebulosa
mueve en el aire Santiago.
Grave silencio, de espalda
manaba el cielo combado.

El veinticinco de junio
abrió sus ojos Amargo
y el veinticinco de agosto
se tendió para cerrarlos.
Hombres bajaban la calle
para ver al emplazado
que fijaba sobre el muro
su soledad con descanso.
Y la sábana, impecable,
de duro acento romano,
daba equilibrio a la muerte
con las rectas de sus paños.

Federico García Lorca


Friday, June 24, 2011

Indifference is the worst way to hate.

I secretly hate everything. I despise my own race. I  mock my own country. I laugh at people's faults, insecurities and foolishness. GOD THEY'RE STUPID. Just look at them; pretending they care about each other's business in vain attempts of comprehending each other's pain. Feigning joy behind masks of falsehood. And they know it. Yet they do nothing about it. They might also end up believing their own lies. Hilarious. And pathetic at the same time. It even confuses me sometimes. Shall I follow the mainstream and betray my own beliefs or become an antisocial outcast with no chances of success in the real world? GOD I'M STUPID. Trapped in my human insecurities and doubts! Never mind... whatever I decide to do I will always know this: Evolution is bound to cease, and perish, and rot, and turn into nothing just to be cast into oblivion. So they are. So am I.

For now, I won't care. Until I find a reason to. I'll just mind my business in pursuit of my personal well-being and happiness.
Here, have this pic.


Thursday, June 16, 2011


Did you hear that the Earth revolves around the Sun? And the Moon doesn't emit its own light? LOLOLOL

In other new, i dunno what to post, so here are some slowpokes.



Thursday, May 26, 2011

The isles, THE ISLES!

A wonderful place.
Lack of quality guaranteed.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Price of History

This world sucks. But who is to blame? Politicians? Economy? Terrorists? The media? I don't give a flying fuck. We are slaves. Slaves of history. Slaves of our own countries. Slaves of eachother and more importantly; slaves of ourselves. Just like in Plato's cavern. There's no such thing as "freedom", for it is just another form of slavery. And as a slave, I don't have the right to know what's going on out there. And I can do nothing but wonder.
So, i must ask, is it real the world that is being showed everyday on TV, newspapers...  etc? How do we know they're not mere tools of the governments to brainwash the general public? Or should i say, how do we know the media itself is not being manipulated by the government to enconver, let's say it this way, morally incorrect forms of politics? For example, what if 11-S was actually planned by the own US? Or what if the Holocaust was just a massive hoax? What about Fukushima, why couldn't it be a conspiracy too? How do we know for sure these thing are just as simple as they seem at first glance? Could history be just a massive business? The Rulers of History, let's call them The System, could have very good reasons to distort our view of reality to emphasize their greatness and fairness and reassure their role as the "good guys", while the "bad guys", paradigms of evil, deserve to be vanquished by the might of justice; Two completely opposite sides. And the question is unavoidable. why does always the "good guys" have to win? Or is it that winning makes you a "good guy"? Maybe The System are the "good guys". Or both the "good" and "bad guys". Or the "bad guys" disguised as "good guys". Or it's just me being paranoid.
I won't believe anything. I can't. And my questions will probably remain unanswered for the sake of today's world order. I personally know very little about politics, but I just realized that we know very little or nothing about how the world actually works.

Maybe The System is actually neccesary to prevent ourselves from our own destruction. After all, the human being proved uncountable times to be so retarded...

"We're not tools of the government or anyone else. Fighting was the only thing I was good at, but at least I always fought for what I believed in." - Gray Fox's last words, Metal Gear Solid (PSX).


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cuando me quedo sin boli...

Yes, i'm a bit into Rap. Musically speaking worthless bunch of rhyming words. But if you listen, you'll find out what the hell is so special and addictive about it. It's like some sort of supreme form of expression. Modern poetry. Some serious shit is going on underneath those sick beats and crude voices. No retarded faggy crap about "Hey baby let's (fuck) dance" like most of nowadays commercial music, no sir, these are words coming from the soul itself. It really hits the spot and never leaves you indifferent.

These are some MCs i often listen: Nach Scratch, Zenit, El Chojin, Tote King, SFDK... Now i'm listening to "Hablando en Plata Squad". It's kind of old (late 90s?) but hey, these guys know how to rap. Obscure and extremely violent lyrics with andalusian accent, they're often compared to the "thriller" genre in Hip-Hop. Here's one of the songs of the album.

Cuando me quedo sin boli:




Allow me to introduce myself. I will keep my real identity hidden, but you may refer to me as SleipniR. I can provide you some information about me, though:

Sex: Male
D.O.B.: 15/5/1990
Nationality: Spanish
Current location: Granada, SPAIN
Occupation: College student (Chemical engineering)
Hobbies: Music, videogames, dangerous things.

Well, that oughta do the trick. Let's make an explanation of what can you, my dear visitor, expect from this humble blog:

-First of all, I may write about certain parts of my daily life.
-Second, I would want to expose my opinions/doubts/reviews about different issues (Technology, motor, sports, internet... politics lol). To put it in a nutshell, i want this blog to be digital testimonium of my life.
-Third, I may write random stuff. Fo' sure bro.

OK, that's enough. I encourage you, my guest, to read and participate in this, my little corner in this massively enormous place we call INTERNET.

P.D.: Most of the content will be redacted in english, for the sole purpose of improving my level. Please, understand and report me the more-than-possible mistakes I will make. I appreciate your collaboration.